"bob.barkany" wrote:
> Could anyone explain to me why I can export my contact list from palm
> desktop to the backups folder in NCU and then import that file into my
> newton one day and then I try it the next and it wont bloody work.
I assume the following error sources:
1. If you use AppleTalk (either Ethernet or LocalTalk) a heavy network
traffic might cause the connection to appear as like a broken network
because the timeout limit at the Mac side was exceeded. Solution: Trash
the server or disconnect your Mac from AT.
2. A corrupted data entry. I had one at my last attempt to backup. It
crashed the Mac at backing up the Works data. I then opened and closed
every Works document and after that the backup worked on nicely. The
same I had with names. There the reason was binary crap in a names card
which I got by beam. The binary crap can be found as three dots like
periods after any of the entries.
--Regards / Viele Gruesse
Marco Mailand
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