Re: NTLK Cadenza syncs over Ethernet

From: Lui Frimmel (
Date: Thu Aug 17 2000 - 07:30:23 CDT

At 11:44 17.08.00 +0200, you wrote:

>Not true. AppleTalk over LocalTalk is limited to 230kbps, but AppleTalk over
>Ethernet uses the full available bandwith of the Ethernet connection, which
>is (in theory) 10Mbps. It is true that AppelTalk is a rather verbose
>protocol compared to, say, TCP/IP, but still, AppleTalk over Ethernet is
>*way* faster than any serial connection, including LocalTalk.

The difference backing up a 32 MB card via serial/PC 115000and
was exactly 4 minutes and the measured speed was less than 230000 for the G3
still more than double the time than using card/card backup.
Dont know why, but any Mac from Quadra 900 to G3 didnt like the 32MB card-
needed 2-4 attempts anytime I tried. The first full working backup I got on
a PC ..
(beside the card/card backup that really works nice and safe)
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