Re(2): NTLK NPDS Tracker

From: Josh Burker (
Date: Thu Aug 17 2000 - 12:43:34 CDT writes:
>Thanks for all the response guys!
>I still have some other issues with questions though.
>I am running a firewall/ router here at my house. Would this change my
>NPDS Tracker Client preferences on the Newton?

You'd only have to change the port number if for some reason you're
blocking ports on the router; for instance, maybe you don't want to be
serving web pages off of port 80 (the default port) you are blocking
traffic in and out on port 80. Well, you wouldn't want your Newton trying
to use port 80 to serve its web pages.
>Would I change the "Newton Port" to something else or does this need to
>be setup in the router (i.e routing table or inbound mapping) to allow
>the ping from the NPDS Tracker Server to
>be able to reach my Newton?

Depends. If you're using IPFilter (*BSD) or IP Masquerade (Linux?) you
would have to have in your routing table the ability for traffic to come
in to your Newton on whatever port you want it to come in on (you could
keep it simple and keep it port 80). With my *limited* experience using
OpenBSD and trying like hell to get my IPFilter routing table configured,
this would definitely "defeat" in some respects the purpose of having a
router- i.e. hiding a bunch of IP addresses behind a single IP address and
keeping bad traffic out, or in the worst-case scenario keeping your
garbage traffic from a cracked box from getting out of your network and
damaging other networks. You'd essentially be passing traffic right
through your router to the Newton. But perhaps this is exactly what
you're looking to do.

You'll really have to look at your routing table and determine how
incoming traffic is being routed to your Newton. I think this question
would best be answered on one of the mailing lists for the particular
router software you are running; I've found many answers (and dead ends)
on the Misc mailing list for OpenBSD.

Hope that puts you in the right direction.

Josh Burker

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