Pascal Massun wrote:
> Laurent Daudelin wrote
> >What version do you have? I have version 1.1
> Where can I see the versionnumber ?
> Kenny Song wrote
> >Check the creation date. Mine was created at 2.17 pm on Dec 15, 1997.
> Where can I see the creation date ?
> Neither info comes on the NetTime Slip when I tap on it.
> I read the NetTime.pkg file inan editor, but couldn't find any versionnumber
> or date.
If you tap on NetTime and hold the pen down, you'll hear a "screeching"
sound and the icon will be selected. That's in the Extras drawer, BTW.
Then, if you tap the routing button (the small enveloppe at the bottom
right corner), you'll have an item that will say "Package Info". If you
tap this item, you will get a small window giving you some information
about the package, particularly the date it was created. However, to
access the internal version number, you need to use an utility like SBM
Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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