On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>To fix this, use SBM Utilities and open the System soup. Add a slot in
>the first entry of the soup. Name the slot "NetTimeAutoSync:DTS". Save
>the name. Then, scroll through the slots of this first entry (they're
>alphabetically listed) until you see the slot you've just added. It
>should read "NetTimeAutoSync:DTS Nil". Tap on it. Scrub the "Nil" string
>there and write "True". Be careful to not leave any blank space or such.
>Tap "Save". Close the system soup. Now, if you open NetTime, the
>checkbox will be checked.
Well Laurent, I tried it and it worked. The "gong" chime is the only indicator on autosync. I'd still like to get Heiko's version which allows us to set autosync. Laurent's solution permanently activate autosync.
Kenny Song
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