Re: Macs on TV was: Re: NTLK Re: Seinfeld TAM

From: craig lawrence (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2000 - 03:45:39 CDT

My wife works in the film business here in 'Brollywood' (Vancouver, B.C., Canada) and has worked on feature films and many series (X-Files, Millenneum, Reindeer Games, etc., etc.). We are both Macfanatics and Newtonians and she tells me that product placement is easy with Apple. They are willing to provide almost anything for free and the crews love shooting the screen since technically it is easier to
'sync' (no add-on cards, etc.)as in Scully's laptop. Personally I am in the video end of things and setting a shutter speed to sync Macs is a breeze, where as with Windoze it is often impossible. Incidentally there is always a bidding frenzy if Macs went up for auction at the end of production (the Art Departments are almost exclusively Apple here). And yes, I do give a fig!




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