Save yourself some trouble and money and get a 3Com card from ebay -- mine
was $20. As long as you have the right driver, which is downloadable, they
work just as well as the Farallon card, but cost much less. I don't think
you can use the internet with a 110 and ethernet -- were you planning on
just using it for connecting to a Mac?
Planetnewton hasn't been updated in quite a while, by the way.
> Hi all! I'm running into a bit of confusion. It was my belief from
> stuff I had read when I bought my MP110 about six months ago that
> there was only one ethernet card that worked with the Newton (the
> Farallon card) and it was no longer being made. However, I checked
> back at Planet Newton at
> and the article
> there now sounds as if it's being sold at $103. The review gives the
> product number PN595-TP. So, I decided to go digging around at
> Farallon's website. I found what looked like the product described at
> The
> prices even matched. The only discrepancy was that the product number
> was PN595a-TP. I figured that since everything else matched, it must
> have been an oversight on the review page. But then I noticed a nice
> little note to Newton users on the page:
> Note to Newton users: The new PN595a is not compatible with
> Newton/eMate. Newton users should purchase the EtherWave Card (PN895).
> Well, I checked the link and it simply sent me to a discount sales
> page that did not have any EtherWave PN895 cards selling.
> My question is, what's the deal?! Is it the EtherWave PN895 card or
> the EtherMac PN595-TP (non-a) card? Or is it actually the PN595a-TP
> card and Farallon is just out of it? Can you still buy either of
> those cards new? Thanks in advance!
> --
> Joel Watson
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