Now I know that this has been discussed often and it did come up recently
and I deleted most on the subject since I don't own a Palm (and doubt that I
ever will, love the HWR on the 2.1 Newt and hated Graffiti when I had to use
it on my 110) but it seams very hard to synch a Newt and Palm and I don't
really see why.
As I said, I can't test this myself since I'm not going to spend money on a
Palm just for this test, but since it's pretty easy to export data to Palm
Desktop and/or Claris Organizer and the Palm can synch with that data again
the road that way seems quite easy. (or are the limitations of the Palm
giving trouble by this stage already ?)
BTW, can a Palm synch with CO or solely with PD ?
The other way around I can see trouble since you have limited data that
would possibly erase the more complex data in your Newt, no way around this?
Sorry if I'm boring diehards in this, but the subject seems to be creeping
up time and time again.
I searched the FAQ, but am I right that this one has never made it there ?
(I'm especially curious what Bill has to say on this ;-)
Robert Benschop
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