NTLK NewtonQuake? Anyone get it to work?

From: John Skinner (ndutyme@home.com)
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 04:14:47 CDT

I found and downloaded a copy of NewtonQuake from
http://www.emeraldnet.net/~ravenous/NewtonQuake/ .

I have tried the "pak2newt.exe" to convert a Quake .pak file, but it
never finishes. I let it run for 4 days on a P200MMX with Windows 98

I have also tried on several faster PCs (PIII667 w/256MB, PIII550
w/256MB) with no luck.

Anybody get this to work?

I think it would be cool to show all my Palm buddies!

John Skinner
Computer Technician
New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Nashville TN

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