Although I'd love to go to a "worldwide" Newton conference, I'm not sure
that's practical. Budget and time limitations will keep me within weekend
driving distance of Iowa (which makes Ohio about as far east as I can go -
although I could probably make Memphis to the south).
I'm more in favor of an informal "regional" meeting of maybe a dozen Newton
enthusiasts, maybe at a restaurant, where we can eat, talk together for an
afternoon and get to know each other. Like the one originally suggested in
SE Michigan....I fear that if we make this too complicated, it won't get
done - or someone will do a lot of work, and be disappointed with the
turnout when people can't make it.
Keith Isley
-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Daudelin []
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: NTLK Conference
I don't know how you folks are feeling, but after getting a bunch of
suggestions, I'm wondering what should come next.
It seems we need some kind of coordination at this point and maybe start
compiling the results, then, by casting vote, we progressively eliminate
proposed locations one by one until there are only 2 remaining and a
final vote is casted.
What do you think?
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