RE: NTLK Question about Newton Press Formats.

From: Filmer, Paul E (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 13:51:13 CDT

At least for Newton Press books, this is actually quite a complex question.
It depends on several things: a) what platform you are viewing the
NewtonBook with, b) what version of Newton Press was used to make the book,
and c) whether the Newton Book was made on a Mac or a PC.

The simplest answer is to use the Universal, MP2000 2-Up or eMate 2-Up
layouts so that you gain access to the greatest number of platforms in the
greatest number of orientations. More detail available if anyone is

Paul F.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jceaser []
> Is there a way to store multiple formats in a newton book? It would be
> cool
> if I could have both portrait and lanscape mode in one book.
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