Well today has certainly been more constructive.
PC Problems at work prevented me from getting the Palm stuff up and running
as I wanted to do. Hence as a result I got the hot synch stuff lined up on
my Mac at home and decided to give the Palm a bit of a work out.
I exported my Newton contents (Names, etc) through NCU. Now there is a fair
amount of data involved here. I then imported the data into the Palm Desktop
program and decided to chuck the lot at the Palm to see if it would stick :)
Well, lo and behold the Palm did what it does beautifully and synched the
lot in a relatively short space of time. Now that the Palm has all my data
on it has become a lot more viable.
The synching process really does make the Newton look clumsy, however it
also for me highlighted what the Palm is all about. I never really synch my
Newton. As a machine it's design lends itself to being away from a desktop
machine for relatively long periods. However the Palm by design seems to be
pretty much reliant on communication with a PC/Mac at regular intervals.
That's fair enough though, the software that you get with a Palm is solid
enough and if I was to be using it for any length of time then I would be
happy with it.
When I went shopping this evening I used the Palm's calculator to total up
what I was spending as I trudged the aisles. A task I sometimes do with my
Newt. You can balance the Newt on the shopping trolley a lot better than the
Palm, surely a deciding factor when you choose what platform to go for :)
Seriously that was an example of where the smaller form factor was handy.
One thing I am noticing about the Palm is the screen resolution, its not as
fine as the Newton. I don't know whether the new models combat this but the
almost blocky looking appearance makes the Palm look cheap (I know it is in
comparison to the Newt).
As for Grafitti, It's a good system. A lot of thought has gone into it and
its definitely a workable interface but I cant seem to get into it, although
I am definitely improving.
I tried to compose an email on the Palm tonight, I gave up though. It was
frustrating to try and write quickly with Grafitti and the onboard keyboard
seemed a little awkward for this purpose. I'm sure its because I am used to
the Newton.
Also the light conditions in my flat weren't adequate, first time I've
griped about the lack of backlighting on this model.
Ah well, never mind. More tiny computing tomorrow
I'm missing *sniff* my Newton though.
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