I'd like to hear more specifics about this and how you are benefiting
from the IMAP/POP account settings. I didn't realize this was possible
with Newted.
>Ivan Shaw wrote:
>> There aren't any. Recommend you set up for POP3 and use SimpleMail 4.1x.
>You might pay for a Newted membership and get an e-mail address and
>webspace This IMAP account IS POP3 enabled too. I
>use it to handle all the NTLK traffic, either from the WinNT box
>(Netscape 4.7 w/ IMAP only) in the office or with my Crescendo G3/400 at
>home using Outlook with mixed IMAP/POP account settings and of course
>for the Newton with both SimpleMail and LunaSuite.
>Regards / Viele Gruesse
>Marco Mailand
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