Victor Rehorst wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> Getting the data out of the Newton isn't that hard; deciding how to process
> it and merge it with proprietary, binary data formats on a PC or Mac is.
Yes, I haven't thought completely about it. You're plain right. Once you
have the data out of the Newton, what do you do with it? ;-)
AFAIK, all file formats for major applications are proprietary, so you
need to reverse-engineer the file formats in order to be able to read
them and then modify them properly with the data coming from the Newton.
Am I still right?
Or, you provide a single application, like Palm, and all synchronizing
is under your control, but people can't use something else, or am I
wrong here?
> > Unless someone has some insights I don't have...
> Have you looked at Apple's DILs? They're on Planet Newton:
> The documentation is a little strange, not to mention scary.
Never looked at it, but I think I'll try to have a quick look this
Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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