On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Darl Singh wrote:
> Another possibility:
> AFAIK, many of the 'major' PIMS have some ability to write/read to a
> 'standard' format - some sort of Database.
> What about something that 'dumps' to that format from the Newt, opens
> and 'exports as' on the Desktop then (on PCs) some Visual Basic script
> to I/O data? The comparator would be tough, but once written, may well
> be able to be adapted to other Desktop PIMS - eg ACT, Goldmine, Outlook.
> Less sure - but can't Applescript be used to do similar on a Mac?
> FWIW - I'd change PIMS and 'Mail client(s) just to be able to do this
> seamlessly.
The main problem with any synchronization is the actual synchronization
logic. What do you do with duplicates? Overlapping records? Do you prompt
the user? Attempt to merge fields from two records into one? There's a lot
of hot coals to walk over.
Getting a bit more technical, to be able to do a very simple sync, you will
have to know how old each record is, and then if there are any duplicates,
throw out the older records. Doing an export just now from Lotus Organizer,
it doesn't export that information, so doing a true sync would be just about
OTOH, most standard NewtonOS applications /do/ keep track of the last
modified date.
Geez, the more I think about this, the more solutions I start coming up with
and I /really/ don't have any time to work on this kind of thing.
> Another idea - and yes, I know how far out _this_ is.....<deep breath> I
> have a Nokia 8810. Data comms via IR only. Ability to act as a modem -
> but in 'software' only on the PC (or WINCE device..). As stated,
> Smartdog don't think they're ever likely to get Newt to talk data with
> an IR phone.
> BUT - we have a 'modem' slot in a 2x00. What chances of building an
The "modem slot" is more like some space for an RJ11 jack, and that's about
> EPROM that (either) software-modems OR is a hardware modem and in either
> case 'directly' accesses the IR port? My thought is to 'trick' the NOS
> into thinking a 'normal' modem is attached to the second (unused) serial
> port and use a hardware implementation to do the 'talking' via IR. Any
> thoughts? - or is this just way too big a step? Used to know some HW
Well, here's what Nokia did to do data comm for the rest of their phones
without built-in modems (eg. 51xx series): the Nokia Personal Data software
has a Windows driver that emulates all of the functions of a DTP-2 data
card in software. It's a ~400KB VxD. That's either very poorly written, or
very complex.
I don't mean to rain on your parade, but...
-- Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | chuma@chuma.org Secretary, CASU & CPES College Governments, University of Guelph, Canada Newton Resources: Ethernet, Mailing List Archive, Newton Cage File Archive, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAQ, Documentation, Books, Projects and fun, too! http://www.chuma.org/newton/*************************************** NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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