on 8/24/00 7:00 PM, Stephen Beesley at sbeesley@smartchat.net.au wrote:
> Well it has happened, I have developed an addiction for Tactile's Solitaire
> programme (Solito DX). My question regards the software registration system
> used by Tactile. Going off some other posts to this list it Seems that I might
> have problems re-installing Solito DX after a hard reset.
> Every Couple Of weeks or so I like to go through a reset & restore cycle were
> I do not restore the System Soup (call me over-protective). So my question
> (finally you say) is: would doing this invalidate my Solito registration code?
> Any Ideas? Before I shell out my cash I want to be sure I can use the product.
> I am especially concerned given the negative comments I have read about
> contacting Tactile.
> Stephen Beesley
Why not get something like GeekSafe so you can store the passwords and
unlock codes in a separate place?
Jim Johnston
Mac Smacker
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