Following the threads about the Japanese interconnect dongle made me start
digging through the various links and finding some real Newton treasures.
The JampBall package is an addictive little game where you try to avoid
the bouncing balls by navigating your character back and forth.
Surprisingly addictive.
The rest of the goods available here can be accessed at:
(I take CatDrop to be a backdrop package).
Additionally, I followed a link to the amazing (wish I could read
Japanese) Newton AtMark web site:
Digging through various links brought me to many wonderful sites as well
as many images showing some tricked out customized Newtons.
One of the sites mentioned has an *amazing* Newton/Mac package, along with
cross-platform source: RemoteCam, video conferencing for the Newton and
Macintosh. You capture the video on the Mac, then send it to the Newton
via serial or TCP/IP. Of course, back up before goofing with this
software. I can't wait!
Josh Burker
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