on 25-08-2000 1:33, Wolf Lichtenberger at w_l@gmx.net wrote:
>> <moan>
>> It aint $185 in the UK mate! More like close to 300 pounds!!!!!
>> It's almost worth flying to the US to get it fixed.
>> </moan>
> <groan>
> I seriously doubt that Apple US would accept a non-US Newt for repair; IIRC
> they outsourced *all* of their european Newton servicing to some company in
> UK that's not charging flat rate but per fixed item.
> So once again: no joy for "un-american" Newt owners.
> </groan>
Actually this isn't true, since a Newton is meant for travel and you can
hardly expect somebody that purchased one in Europe to either stay
there all of their lives or (even more ridiculous) to return there just to
have their Newton serviced.
It is because of this that when Apple changed their warranties two years ago
so that the warranty for a desktop would only apply to the continent where
it was purchased, they didn't change anything in any of their portables,
they just can't.
Robert Benschop
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