Subject: NTLK Re: Six slots on Apple Product Grid (TM?)?
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 00:28:20 -0500
From: Bill Davis <newton@ecity.net>
To: "NewtonTalk" <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Reply-To: newton@ecity.net
Reply-To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
Above are the headers that came from the list, on this message. If I just
hit "reply", it would go to the first reply-to address, ie just Bill.
Some peoples posts have always had the "wrong" reply-to listed first, and I
have had to manually correct them to get reply sent to the list, since I
do not have "reply to all" enabled on my clients, but just "reply to
Other peoples posts reply-to fields are always correct (newtontalk is
listed first, then the others).
I'm assume it's something that your particular client is doing. If it were
the list daemon, it would likely be happening to all.
Check your preferences under "replying" and send copies to all instead of
just the sender, if you like. This avoids the whole issue. Likely there
was some change in header order according to RFC but people are using older
clients that don't do it quite right.
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