From: ZACINCCEO@aol.com
Date: Mon Aug 28 2000 - 13:01:17 CDT

Here is an update I am the co-owner of dave design, we just have a conference
call with each other and have desided to make the newton case but it will be
a little while it is very expensive to do so we are getting a VC Venture
Capatilist to investmoney for another machine and more help so we can do this
I would assume it will cost around 100-200 we are trying to drop the price to
around 50 but it will be VERY Hard any questions email me at
ZACINCCEO@aol.com we should have a prototype up in october or november.

In a message dated 8/28/00 1:57:08 PM, Frank.Gruendel@de.heidelberg.com

<< >I read yesterday on Info-Newt the estimated price for the Aluminum Newton

>shell is about $120. That sounds reasonable to me. But before I commit to

>purchasing one, I want to know how difficult it is to transfer the guts

>into the new shell.

For all Newtons I've disassembled so far this means opening the case and

a fair amount of soldering wires to get the guts out. I only do this

in an emergency, i. e. if the MP is defective anyway. Apart from the

danger of breaking fragile mechanical parts, you have a fair chance to

destroy something due to static charge on yourself while handling the boards


static charge on the soldering gun because it is not properly grounded.

Also, it is not for the faint of heart to do soldering on Newton boards. I

always need a lamp with a large magnifying glass (well, my eyes aren't the

best), and even though I have the finest tip I could get for my Weller

soldering station, there is still the danger to create hazardous shorts

if you don't have a steady hand. Never try this after an exhausting




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