Well darn. I was hoping for a hack. :)
> The MP2000 NiMH rechargeable battery pack is completely sealed. You
> can't easily replace the cells, as opposed to the MP1x0 rechargeable
> battery pack, where the cells where basically held in place with some
> kind of a metal band.
> The regular battery cage lets you replace the cells easily. You can even
> put rechargeable cells in the regular battery cage, but don't expect the
> Newton to recharge them when plugged in. Like I explained in a previous
> message, the mechanism to let the Newton knows that rechargeables have
> been inserted is far more complex than the little switch in a MP1x0, and
> only the rechargeable pack can do it.
> So, your only 2 choices for rechargeable batteries in your MP2000 is
> whether the Apple MP2000 NiMH Rechargeable Battery Pack (very expensive
> on eBay, often going for over $50 when originally sold for $29.99), or a
> set of 4 rechargeable AA cells that you put in the regular battery cage
> and that you recharge in an external charger.
> -Laurent.
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