Re: NTLK StrongARM

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Tue Aug 29 2000 - 00:49:25 CDT

On 8/28/00 1:34 PM, Andy Reed [] wrote:

>I had the impression that the StrogARM on the Newton ran at 206 MHz, not
>160, but I could be wrong. Even if you can't speed up the bus speed on the
>Newton, I suspect that having the processor run at 400 MHz would make some
>substantial gains.

Nope, the 2x00's run at 160 (actually 162, I think) Mhz. The eMate and
1xx units are older ARM chips, and much slower (in the low double-digits).

I think the Compaq iPaq PDA (gee, such a CLEVER name.....NOT! Thieves!)
runs a StrongARM in the 200's, though. I forget how high though. Low
200's, I think.

>For example, HWR might be instantaneous. As it is now I
>have a noticeable lag between writing and recognizing.

Just checking - you DO know that how quickly the Newton interprets your
handwriting is something that's adjustable, right? (I presume the longer
you let it take the more accurate it's likely to be, but not sure.)

I think I recall someone mentioning here that the PixSolutions 2xxx
overclocking modification does noticeably speed up HWR, too. Anyone with
the modification care to chime in?

 - Bill

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