Shane Hill has provided some significant improvements to Notes2Notes. A new
..exe is available (84k) at my website: -
Improvements include: -
1. Handles "Newton not present / not connected / connected at wrong speed"
in a graceful fashion :-)
2. May support Outlook 98 and 2000 in one version (***need feedback from
users to confirm this*** - it's written for Outlook 98 but it does work on
my Outlook 2000 system - though I have the Outlook 98 type library on my
3. *MUCH* better UI
Shane tells me that Steve Weyer is producing a new version of Sloup in order
to provide support for the SuperNotes program which I believe many people (
including Shane ) use. As soon as we have this working an update will be
I'd like to thank Shane for the work he's done on Notes2Notes. It's now much
improved and the improvements have arrived much quicker than if I'd had to
make them myself ( and the UI is much better than I'd have ever have done it
anyway!). This is how it's supposed to work in my book, the last remaining
few Newtonians pulling together. Anyway, I digress....
Shane and I are in discussions about providing Outlook names and dates
synchronisation at the moment. Would people care to share their thoughts on
this - bearing in mind we'll be using Sloup on the Newton end?
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