on 8/28/00 2:12 PM, Loren Finkelstein at Loren@Finkelstein.Net wrote:
>> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
> this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
> --MS_Mac_OE_3050302334_14341364_MIME_Part
> Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
> A couple things here.
> 1. This is not the place for virus warnings, unless it is a Newton Virus.
> 2. This is a hoax. And a very old hoax at that. You can check out such
> things at
> http://urbanlegends.about.com/
> Loren
I second the sentiments of Loren.
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's receiving forwarded virus warnings
from friends, colleagues -- whomever -- even if it's a REAL virus -- I don't
care to know about it.
For one....I have sufficient anti-virus protection, as should everyone who
owns a computer, and the new definitions are automatically downloaded on a
timed schedule via Virex.
For two.....99.99999 % of all virus warnings are for Windows machines, NOT
Macs, and most certainly NOT Newtons.
For three, never ever forward a "virus warning" message without checking out
the validity first at either the site that Loren mentioned, or this one:
(Look under the "Hoax" section FIRST.)
Four, I have NEVER received a "virus warning" message that was a valid one
-- and I have even had my university's MIS Director and his employees send
virus warnings which were HOAXES to every single student and staff member on
the school's email list! Every time they do that, I'm the one who winds up
setting them and the rest of the school straight.
Five, consider momentarily that the virus warning IS valid: If my virus
protection software isn't equipped to handle the virus even with updated
virus definitions, there is frankly not much I could do to prevent the virus
from attacking if it ever came my way, assuming that the creator is smart
enough to write an automated script which will initiate with very little /
no user input.
Six, once users are educated about the sites to check for new viruses &
hoaxes, we should assume that they are smart enough to keep track of new
viruses on their own. If they don't have sense enough to install anti-virus
software or they choose not to keep track of new viruses, then they probably
deserve to get smacked with a virus.
In conclusion, there is not one valid reason to ever send a virus
warning...especially on any listserve, unless it's a "virus warning"
I apologize for being overly-passionate about this, but it's one of my
biggest pet peeves.
> on 8/28/00 9:56 AM, jlp at will.tell@iname.com wrote:
> I just got this message from a mailing list.
> JEan-Louis
> Lausanne, Lake Geneva Area, Switzerland
> Quote------------------
> There is a new virus - WOBBLER.> It will arrive on e-mail titled "Win A.>
> Holiday". CALIFORNIA.> IBM and AOL have announced that it is very> powerful,
> more so than> Melissa, there is no remedy. It will eat all> your information
> on the> hard drive and also destroys Netscape Navigator> and Microsoft
> Internet> Explorer. Do not open anything with this title> and please pass
> this> message onto all your contacts and anyone who> uses your e-mail
> facility.> Not many People seem to know about this yet so> propagate it as
> fast as> possible.> If you receive an e-mail titled "Win A.> Holiday" DO NOT
> OPEN IT.> It will erase everything on your hard drive.> Forward this letter
> out to> as many people as you can. This is a new, very> malicious virus and
> not> many people know about it. This information was> announced Wednesday>
> morning from Microsoft.> Thank You, Neil Ferrick Compaq
-- The box said "Windows 95 or better" so I bought a Macintosh.*************************************** NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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