Hans Johnson (Strider@apexmail.com) wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone has made NTK work under MacOS 9.0.4. I
> tried running it, but it definately doesn't seem to want to work. It
> returns an error of "Could not start application because some unknown
> error occured".
> I have NTK 1.6.4GM installed.
NTK 1.6.4 runs just fine here, both on my PowerMac 7500 (with 400 MHz G3)
at work and on my Umax clone (275 MHz G3) at home -- both times under Mac
OS 9.0.4. I haven't checked with my new Mac yet (a 450 MHz Cube), but will do.
Have you tried trashing the preferences file?
Michael J. Hussmann
Redaktion macmagazin
MACup Verlag GmbH
Leverkusenstrasse 54 VII
D-22761 Hamburg
E-Mail: michael@macmagazin.de
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