on 8/30/00 4:05 AM, Chris Browder at Chris.Browder@Lroom.org wrote:
> on 8/29/00 12:45 PM, Betty at bettyy@earthlink.net wrote:
>> Hi Jodine,
>> How about this -- you go on vacation and want to carry minimal weight so
>> you bring only your Newton and a camera. With the right camera and Tibet,
>> you can take pictures and email them to friends without going through a
>> laptop or desktop computer.
> Or this:
> You're on your senior trip. You take your QT200 and your MP2K. You have your
> Cell phone (Nokia 2190). You want to upload images from the camera to the MP
> to eMail to the school to print in the newspaper. How do you do this? Easy!
> [presuming the QT200 works w/ TIBET]
OK.....I may have missed something, here.....but as I understood from other
Tibet users, the QT cameras do not work with Tibet.
I have a QT 200 and an eMate, and would LOVE to be able to use the two in
tandem -- I really like the idea of being on vacation, taking QT pics, and
then emailing them back to my friends & family via the eMate.
Ok.....so if Tibet doesn't work.....anyone know of anything that DOES?????
Thanks in advance!
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