On 8/30/00 7:32 PM, Pablo Resines [mailto:pablo@euphorianet.com] wrote:
>Can someone tell me where to find the developer docs for the Newton Text to
>Speech and macintalk drivers?
>I know there where some at Newton Underground, now gone.
>Any help would be appreciated.
Oh, by the way - if you can't find anything, write me directly; I think I
still have some of the MacinTalk-for-Newton techncial web pages from
NewtonUnderground cached in NetHopper in my 2100. I could probably e-mail
'em to you.
Going to make NCQ use NewtonTalk? That'd be cool. Basically, as I
recall, all you really have to do to make your Newton speak some text is
call PlaySound and pass TEXT instead of a sound (assuming Macintalk is
- Bill
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