>I know the company where he bought them and the chargers in question,
>believe me, this message comes up and those adapters stink big time.
>Though the company will tell you that everything is fine and the eMates
>message is wrong I would dump these adapters a.s.a.p. (maybe in a river
>somewhere in Russia ?) and get some original ones !
It would *still* be interesting *why* this message comes. Kind of for
scientific reasons. I doubt that the eMate is capable to determine whether
the attached supply can in fact deliver more current than the original one.
None of my OMP, MP100, 110, 120, 130 can do this, don't know about the MP2K.
My guess is it monitors the voltage and complains if it is higher than
expected while the batteries are charged. Maybe Dr. Newton can shed some
on this in case he still reads this list?
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