Re: NTLK MP 110

From: Brian McEwen (
Date: Thu Aug 31 2000 - 16:56:31 CDT

>on 31-08-2000 4:30, at wrote:
>> based in the UK and would like to be able to send and recieve e-mails via my
>> Newton. Can anyone tell me if its possible and how to go about it.......

You have a couple of options for email, all of which require a shell
account dialup. Like someone said, no PPP for you....

The Newton client then opens a telnet session to the POP3 server, and
issues commands/parses the output into your inbox. There are a few
programs which do this:
is a link for Lunamail for 1.X machines; I've never used it but people here
posted recently that they used it a lot on OMP or MP100/110, (I forget
which) and found it reliable.

If you have NOS 1.3, you can try goFetch Shell. It should work fine for
sends, but if you receive more than a few emails (like 7 or 10) I always
found it to become unstable. goFetch has some quick shortcuts for creating
email from the backdrop that I liked a lot. there are 2 flavors of goFetch,
goFetchNIE for PPP connections, you can only use the goFetchShell in your
GoFetch Shell:

UniMail might work also, I've fiddled with it but not extensively.

Of the three, I'd recommend trying LunaMail, same principle as goFetch but
I found goFetch to have the above mentioned problem, and I don't think it
is time limited demo.

You could try a vt100 terminal program, and a shell account to run pine or
elm or whatever, but I never found a vt100 program that I liked for NOS
1.x. EasyConnect looks nice and fast, but you only get to hit 5 carriage
returns in the demo, and the authors site and email went away a couple
years ago when I was right in the middle of trying to discuss the $50
shareware fee.

You will need an external modem, a memory card, the latest 1.x system
update, and as many of the 1.3 vintage heap-saving utilities as you can
find...AMUG is a great resource for 1.x software, mostly as they have nice
text files commenting everything, so you can grab the text files and figure
out what you want to try out.

The above URLs all work as of this email; if you have problems, check that
you have been aware of line wraps.

One of these days I'll compile a list of must-have (and reliable) solutions
for 1.x machines, plus links, for the FAQ. Unless someone beats me to
it.......(go someone go). There are more NOS 1.x people here than post, I

If you get a solution implemented, please post that you are up and running :)


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