At 12:13 AM 2/1/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I'd just like to take this moment to say that I love using Newt's Cape.
>Right now, I'm converting all of my prof's online lecture notes to
>NewtonBooks so that I don't have to lug a mount of paper to class every
>day - and so that I can study anywhere!
I did this too. I actually carry a back pack around that has nothing in it
but a newton. It just looks funny carrying a little leather case
around. What helps in that is to use a scanner with OCR and just put
everything in works if you have handouts. I found it much easier to scroll
this way.
Those days are over for me. My new machine comes in Wednesday. We will
see how my newt compares to the new beast. I can't wait. I know there are
going to be major setbacks if I switch, but the major feature is SCREEN
SIZE!!! ARGH! Someone, please, make a tablet newton!
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