> I dusted off my old 110 last weekend in hopes of using it to keep track of
> stats on the golf course, which I have recently discovered. I see in the
> original papers that came with it a product called "Fingertip for Golf"
> from Fingertip Technologies Inc. It looks like the exact software I want.
> Does anybody know where I might pick up a copy of this software? It
> originally came on disk and card.
MacWorks <http://www.macworks.com> is selling it for $9.99 (new, factory
sealed, floppy disk version).
They're also selling a few other old Newton packages, including NCK and
NBU, for the same price. Search under the "Newton" category.
I've done business with MacWorks in the past with no problems.
best // gck
-------- Geoffrey C Klingsporn --------
------ g-klingsporn@uchicago.edu ------
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