Hello Everyone.
Are there any Newton folks out there that use BluePrint2 from Sine of the
Times on a regular basis? I purchased and registered my version (2.15)
right before they decided to stop selling the software.
My problem is the BluePort, the transfer utility for the Mac that's
supposed allow you to transfer projects in both directions, from
Mac-to-Newton and Newton-to-Mac. Well the version of BluePort that I
received only supports one way transfers from Mac-to-Newton. This presents
a major problem for me. Does anyone know if there is a version of BluePort
that supports the Newton-to-Mac function? I would be very grateful if some
knowledgable person out there could let me know if it's available and how I
can get it. The Sine of the Times website didn't have anything to offer.
TIA for your help.
Kind Regards,
David Deranian
Digital Arts & Sciences, Inc.
Communication Arts for the Digital Age
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