On 1/31/2000 3:09 PM, Jon Shurtleff
[mailto:jon.shurtleff@munich.netsurf.de] wrote:
>Thanks for the offer. As things have been quite hectic at work it's taken a
>little while get the annotation finished. I just connected to your site at
>the below address but found no /Contributions folder. Your server allowed
>me to upload the file - which actually amounted to about 2.5Mb - anyway. I
>hope this is not a problem and I hope the pictures are useful to someone.
>It's called NewtPix.zip.
Jon -
You evidently went straight _TO_ the /Contributions directory, as that's
where your file is, and that's the only place you can upload on the site
anyway (at least with the only publicly available id/password of
I think your confusion was caused by me putting a ".message" file in each
directory - most ftp clients will display the text from that as you enter
each directory. At the moment it's the SAME text in each directory and
currently just tells you "Welcome" and that contributions are welcome in
the /Contributions directory. Eventually, those .message files will be
changed to describe the folder you are in. I'll probably go change the
text of the .message file in /Contributions tonight, though, to avoid
- Bill
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