Hi guys,
There is a known problem with the internal battery contacts in the MP2X00.
The contacts are actually little spring-loaded "fingers" that sometimes get
bent, primarily from "jamming" the battery into the slot too hard. Digital
Ocean Dave has documented this problem and can fix it. You can contact him
at drnewton@kc.net for details.
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Kenny Song" <kensong@pc.jaring.my>
To: "NewtonTalk" <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
Subject: Re: NTLK HELP MP2K and Rechargeable Battery
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 12:22 +0800
Even with the Newton plugged in (for modem or ethernet use) oftentimes
the Newton will simply not turn on. The only way to get it to turn back
on is to unplug it from the wall, pull the battery, then put the battery
back in. After a few of these cycles it will come back on, announce the
battery was dead, and then go about its business until the next time.
It's strange, because it doesn't always happen every time I turn the
Newton off; it's definitely sporadic.
Are you sure your Newton is charging? I had a new pack that charges
inconsistently and would sometimes just die the moment I use the modem. I
traced it down to poor contacts, and the problem was resolved after I
cleaned all metal parts. Using a contact cleaner did not work for this
battery. I had to sand the contacts!
The reason why your Newton won't turn on is because the battery was really
drained but kept enough charge to keep it from booting up. (Can't explain
why, may Frank can help).
Removing ALL power usually free up your Newton for a reset.
Kenny Song
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