Never thought I'd see another system patch for the Newton - nice going Paul!
After hearing so many people say it wasn't possible, the news of the new
system patch came as a very nice surprise. Seems like advances like this are
always achieved by one person who ignores the wisdom of the majority.
Aside from fixing the Date/Find bug, what other kind of improvements would
be possible in future system patches:
a -10061 fix?
built-in alt.rec?
built-in package renamer?
built-in sub-folder capabilities?
expanded outliner functions (like Jensen's "Rollover")?
a card eject?
NewtWorks Fix?
Extras select all?
Prefs cleaner?
Something like SBM Options?
Works autoruler?
and, and and....
Lots of interesting possibilities. How much space is available for such
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