Loren Finkelstein wrote:
> "Beam My Card" won't work to send your owner info to a Palm because it is
> made to only exchange cards with another Newton that is beaming their owner
> card. I also tried to go to my owner info and beam it, but it would only
> encode it as TXT or a Newton Flattened Frame. Presumably the owner info is
> saved in a different format from your usual name.
> So, I created a normal name card for myself, specifically to use when I need
> to beam to palm users.
> Have you been trying to beam individuals, or companies?
> When I beam a company card, my only options are TXT and Newton Flattened
> Frame, however, when I beam an individuals's card, VCF becomes an available
> option.
> In my testing though, certain fields did not go through in VCF format.
> Specifically, the following didn't go through.
> Affiliate
> E-Mail
> Birthday & Anniversary
> URL (This is a MoreInfo add on)
> So, since I was making a card specifically for beaming to Palms, I
> customized it and included all that info in the note, which went over fine.
Hi Loren!
I did a reboot and now, I see the VCF option in the Names application. Maybe I
overlooked this, but I was sure it wasn't there before, or maybe the reboot did
fix something... I don't know.
It is strange why the owner isn't supported as VCF. If you beam it as text, then
compare the output in the In/Out app with another regular card from Names,
they're pretty much the same, except that the VCF has additional control
characters here and there. It seems like it wouldn't be very hard to support VCF
in the Owner. Plus, don't forget that Owner Info and Names share the same Names
soup, so they must not be that different.
Oh well...
Thanks for the confirmation, though. I now know it should work.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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