On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, THX 1138 wrote:
> hey,
> does anyone have any experience using a 3-com Etherlink III 3c589C with the
> 3comaddon.pkg?
> Victor's site alludes to it, but stops short of saying it will work, or
> maybe I'm just reading it wrong.
> I just found this card while cleaning out the computer closets, and was
> wondering if it was trash or found treasure.
I've had most people with 3c589Cs say that they do work with that driver.
It only seems recently that people are jumping out of the woodwork having
all sorts of problems with these cards. It looks like most of them are
hardware problems (either damaged card slots or dead cards), so yours
should work. If it doesn't work in your Newton, step #2 should always be
to find a friend with a PCMCIA slot and try it in there (well, a friend
with a notebook with a PCMCIA slot of course :)
-----Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | victor@torque.net------
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