Re: NTLK Question:Implant-2000

From: Kenny Song (
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 11:13:00 EST

We, Korean Newton users, are about to order Implant-2000 from Pix Solution. Yes, We are. It means 'together'. :-)

I checked out their web site. However, there was no FAQ or something with English for Implant-2000. I've heard of a problem related to using Appletalk with Implant-2000, and am worried about that.

What about battery consumption? It drains battery like a "battery-monster"? :-)

Would anyone comment about this?
Here is the English site:
< >

No problems with Appletalk. Just disable the Implant by holding the Power Switch for 2 seconds. It will revert back to your 160 mhz Newton. Battery consumption is not really significant. I'd worry more about backlight and modem.

Kenny Song
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