In an effort to clear up some misinformation about the Farallon "EtherNet PC
Card" for the Newton, here is what I know.
Farallon made three different "kits" to work with MP2x00 / eMate and NIE
1. * PN595-TP ( Single 10-BASE-T cable connection )
2. * PN595-C ( 1 10-BASE-T cable connection, 1 BNC Thinnet cable
connection )
3. * PN895 ( Dual (2) 10-BASE-T connections on a separate "Hub" assembly )
* 1 All three "kits" used the same exact card. It was the cables that
plugged in that made the difference.
* 2 The "kit" numbers "PN595-TP", "PN595-C", "PN895" are NOT ON THE CARDS
* 3 The separate "hub" cable included in the PN895 kit consumes tremendous
power from the Newton because of it's design. If you absolutely wanted that
kit, only use it when your Newton is running off of the AC adapter.
Otherwise it will suck the life out of your batteries before your eyes. It's
not the card, they're all the same. It's the "hub".
The card that came with my PN595-TP "kit" has the following markings :
EA = 0000C54914B5
SN = 6LF14914B5
PN = 16 - 0095 - 000 REV : C
I believe the PN ( part number ) and REV C are the key markings to check for
if you are unsure as to what you have.
It would be interesting to see what all different "PN" and REV markings were
used in the 3 kits.
( Were PN 16-0095-000 REV C the ONLY cards used in all 3 kits ? )
Question :
Has anyone out there contacted Farallon and got a DEFINITE ANSWER as to HOW
TO IDENTIFY CARDS that were made to work with the MP2x00 and eMate ? P/N
and REV ? Remember, people usually throw away boxes they came in and
documentation gets lost.
I tested the PN595-TP and PN895 kits when I was at Digital Ocean. I seem to
recall that the cards in those 2 kits had the same P/N and REV.
Several months ago, I purchased a couple PN595-TP kits for myself figuring
that they would be scarce soon.
If you go to this Farallon page, you will see they produce a PN595a-TP and a
The cards in these kits are NOT designed to be used with Newton.
Best Regards,
David Watson
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