On 2/3/2000 3:41 AM, Till [mailto:TillK@t-online.de] wrote:
>I recently got a Longshine Ethernet card to connect my MP2100 to my Rev. B
>iMac, which is much more comfortable than installing packages via IR and
>having no way to backup the Newton. I use NCU for installing packages, but
>unfortunately, some programs attached their "tags" to some packages (i.e.,
>some packages appear as Netscape documents, Simpletext documents and so
>on). NCU won´t recognize them. Maybe this is a dumb question, but I guess I
>have to change the type of those files. Could anybody tell me how I can
>accomplish this? I use MacOS 8.6, and I know that the packages are not
>damaged (I installed some of them via IR, and they work).
>Best regards
>Till Kortüm
You'll need to use ResEdit or PackType or some type/creator code changer
to change the type and creator code on those files to type "pkg " (note
the space at the end) and creator "1NCU". See the FAQ for the Newton
Community for more info.
You should also set your Internet control panel's File Mapping database
(under the Advanced tab) to map .pkg files to Newton Connection Utilities
(type and creators given above). Also the File Exchange tab so if you
get 'em off a PC floppy or CD-ROM the same occurs (can't recall if File
Exhange and Internet file mapping talk to each other....)
I presume you are NOT installing packages via IR using NCU...that doesn't
work. Are yu using EETrans and a terminal program? Or have you found
some magic way to make NCU install via IR that no one else has found?
- Bill
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