NTLK Re: newtontalk V1 #234

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot@pnm-consulting.com)
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 01:30:15 EST

>Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 09:11:12 +0100
>From: RAND Peter <Peter.Rand@bankaustria.com>
>To: "'newtontalk@planetnewton.com'" <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
>Subject: New system patch for MP2k - wow!
>Message-ID: <518A855C3B5BD311A35D0008C7E65EEFA4A243@v11.server.lan.at>
>Never thought I'd see another system patch for the Newton - nice going Paul!
>After hearing so many people say it wasn't possible, the news of the new
>system patch came as a very nice surprise. Seems like advances like this are
>always achieved by one person who ignores the wisdom of the majority.
>and, and and....
>Lots of interesting possibilities. How much space is available for such

133 kb.

The interest of system updates is that (a) you (at least, I) can patch NS
Native Functions and magic pointers (except @4097-@4098), (b) software in
the patch is ROM dependent, but every element which can be found in the ROM
is used (e.g. there is no symbol in it, but it goes even further, you can
use the structure (frame map) or other objects).

To fix most bugs, using a system patch is much better. Avi's Date/Find Fix
is typically the case: the Fix takes 6/7 kb, is loaded at every startup and
requires some memory. The System Update 0031 does not require any
additional page than 7260, the Date/Find Fix itself requires few bytes.

To implement some softwares, a system patch may be required. In that case,
a system patch to interface with the OS may be used, and the additional
software added on top of that.

In your list:
>Aside from fixing the Date/Find bug, what other kind of improvements would
>be possible in future system patches:
>a -10061 fix?
Well, I only know how to patch part of the OS tables. And probably not
enough info for -10061. BUT, it seems that the system patch mechanism is
not entirely used in all available patches, and there may be a way.

>built-in alt.rec?
At least, built-in interface to implement your own recognizer, that would
be a nice idea. Or at least docs to implement it.

>built-in package renamer?
Well, such a software exists, doesn't it? Having it in the system won't add

>built-in sub-folder capabilities?
Unlimited Folders does it. However, it is true that having it in the OS may
be more accurate.

>expanded outliner functions (like Jensen's "Rollover")?
No idea of what it does.

>a card eject?
Lol. Add a DVD-ROM recorder.

What does it do?

>NewtWorks Fix?
Sure, I'll work on it.

>Extras select all?
This is a nice idea. Typically a small improvement to be added.

>Prefs cleaner?
>Something like SBM Options?
It won't add anything to have it as an update.

Forgot what it does.

>Works autoruler?
This is also an idea.

Anyway, I think that what I may do is a mechanism to allow developers to
patch magic pointers. I don't know if it is possible. It will require at
least an additional 4 KB page.



P&M Consulting Newton Program

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