Re: NTLK More PC Card woes

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 15:37:11 EST

On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, Santiago Vaquera wrote:

> Hello again,
> Thanks for the responses to my previous email (I think I'm cursed). I guess I
> wasn't clear enough on my setup: two desktop macs (G3 and Performa 6360)
> networked via an Asante FriendlyNet Dual Speed Ethernet Hub. I also have a
> Powerbook G3 that plugs right into this network when I'm at home.

(note that I know little of recent Mac hardware)

You say that you have a "Dual Speed" hub - does that mean 10/100? Is the
hub supposet to "auto-negotiate" the port speed? Are the other machines
running 100Mbps ethernet? If either of the last two are true, this may be
your problem - even though the hub is supposed to auto-negotiate the port
speed with the card, this often does not happen with hardware from
different vendors. If there is some way to force your hub into 10Mbps
mode, try it(make sure you shut down all your machines first).

-----Victor Rehorst - |
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