On Sat Feb 05 2000, Robert Benschop (robertbenschop@bigfoot.com) quoth:
>Didn't find this waste of bandwith at all, still thinking of buying a
>replacement stylus but does anybody know if there's a good stylus that fits
>in the 2x00 itself
those el cheapo emate styli from smalldog electronics
<http://www.smalldog.com> do. I got the six pack and they look a little
funny, but have the same tip feel as the regular stylus and are cheap
enough to lose or leave laying around. most importantly they fit inside the
mp, which was my main concern.
in the look and feel dept. they are nowhere close to the cross or panache
pens tho. the panache pens have that great heft and weight, and that cross
tip is to die for. a graft of the cross tip onto the other would be ideal.
"Was that the end?"
"You call that an ending with practically everyone still on their feet? My
goodness no, over your dead body."
-Tom Stoppard "Rosencrantz and Guilderstein are Dead"
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