OK, OK point taken. But snvelling. I've never been accused of snvelling
Is it a criminal offence or just another American attempt to cut vowels
from proper spelling?
Robert Gray wrote:
> Tim Palmer wrote:
> >
> >Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
> > name="tcpalmer.vcf"
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >Content-Description: Card for Tim Palmer
> >Content-Disposition: attachment;
> > filename="tcpalmer.vcf"
> >
> >Attachment converted: lothlorien:tcpalmer.vcf 2 (TEXT/ttxt) (0000AB2E)
> What is with these .vcf attachments??? Isn't this BAADDDDD
> netiquette? I get some annoyed at a desktop full of these snvelling
> little personal promos.... I routinely refuse attachements and wish
> listers would cease and desist!!!
> :]
> --
> TTFN, eh!
> Robert Gray mailto:robert_gray@carleton.ca
> "not all those who wander are lost" JRR Tolkien
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