Does memory heap grow with a Flash card?
Does it mean that it is the same to have a upgrade to 2100 than adding a
> From: "Laurent Chardon" <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 13:44:17 -0500
> To: <>
> Subject: RE: NTLK Interest In More Internal FLASH For MP2x00 ?
> To me, this FLASH upgrade seems great if at least one of these two
> conditions are met:
> 1) It is cheaper to perform the upgrade than to buy an 8MB FLASH card.
> (Makes up for not having the Newt for a couple of weeks)
> 2) The internal FLASH does not deteriorate over time in the same way the
> PCMCIA FLASH cards do.
> Of course the two conditions together would be OK too...
> Laurent Chardon
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