>Subject: Card bak-up issues
>Message-ID: <9f.1774a03.25cf86b5@aol.com>
>I have a a 20meg Pretec card that works fine, but right now it back-ups to
>read 20.1 meg whereas my Newton tells me there is only about 17 megs on it.
>What gives? I have heard of having more space taken up on the card than
>actual info, because of sloppiness over time, but not the oppposite way.
Having been involved a bit in the development of "MobileBackup
http://www.modasys.de/ " it was apparent at one stage of the
Beta-testing that the "Memory Info" from "Extras" (at least on the
NOS 2.1) isn't showing the "real" amount of storage left/used on the
Newton !
It was pointed out that the routines (in the NOS) were outdated. So a
work-around was implemented, which more accurately calculated the
storage spaced left/used on each store present. This was necessary to
make sure there is enough storage space for a backup onto the
"targeted" store !
Conclusion: Don't count on the accuracy of the "Memory Info" slip !
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