With the still ongoing confusion as to exactly which Ethernet cards will
work on Newtons and which won't (PN895? PN595? 3c589C?) I'm planning on
making an addition to Newton Resources: a gallery of photos of Ethernet
cards that work.
For that, I need your help. If you have an ethernet card that you use in
your 2x00 or eMate, and have access to a digital camera or scanner, I'd
appreciate it if you could take some nice images of the front and back of
the card. Make sure that *all* the text on *both* sides of the card it
legible in the image. You don't have to worry about resizing, I can
handle that (unless you don't really want to send 1.2MB JPEGs around). I
need pictures of just about everything *except*:
3Com 3c589D
D-Link DE-660
That means that I *do* need pictures of these cards:
Farallon cards
3Com 3c589, 3c589B, 3c589C, 3CXE589DT, 3CXE589ET
D-Link DE-650
AmbiCom 8010 PowerSaver
Proxim RangeLAN2 (*not* RangeLAN802)
TDK DFL5610, DFL3410, DFL3200, DFL9610, LAK-CD021/AX/BX
Fujitsu FMV-J182, FMV-J182A
Contec C-NET(PC)C
Melco LPC2-T
Longshine LCS-8534TB
Correga EtherII PCC-T
Please send photos *NOT HERE* but to my personal e-mail address:
Thanks everyone. You will be credited on the site (unless you request not
to be)
-----Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | victor@torque.net------
---Newton Resources: Ethernet, Newton Cage, NewtonTalk archive, and more!---
--------------- http://eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca/~victor/newton/ ---------------
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