Kenny Song ( wrote:
> Are you talking Mac, Michael? Because I have always converted from my
> Powerbook which have ALWAYS been set to thousands or millions of colors
> and they turn up just fine. I use photoshop to save them as greyscale PICT
> set to 4 bit depth.
Hi Kenny,
yes, I'm talking about the Mac version. Whenever I had tried to include
grayscale pics in NewtonPress (using Photoshop, Graphicsconverter, or
ColorIt), they did never look right, in Newton Press as well as on the
Newton. Then someone, somewhere, mentioned that the monitor depth should
be reduced to 8 bit, and now it works like a charm. This is on a Umax
Pulsar with a Formac Proformance lite 80 graphics card, normally set to
millions of colors.
Michael J. Hussmann
Redaktion macmagazin
Leverkusenstrasse 54 VII
D-22761 Hamburg
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