I'm very satisfied with the ObEX effort. I have connected my Newton to several palms already and it was cool and professional to be able to exchange notes with my Palm colleagues.
Here are some problems I encountered attempting to exchange name cards, it is posted here for the benefit of all:
-The Newton auto resets after beaming a card from names, this is embarising (actually, I heard that it is impossible to beam the personal card from "Personal Information", so I created a personal card in the Names application).
-The following is more serious. The names application soup got sevearly corrupt upon receiving a card with mutiple e-mail addresses.
At first, all went ok. But after putting away the card, the card opened ok in the names application with only one of the e-mail addresses (the first) showing. But if the "show all information" view is selected (to see the other e-mail addresses) the names application crashs big time. You can access other Newton applications, but the names application will never launch, even a system reset can not solve the problem, names application will never open. The only way out is to restore the Names data from a backup.
After deleting all but one e-mail address from the Palm and re-beaming , the transfer of information was flawless and the received card was perfectly viewable in both "card" and "all information " views. I had to enter the additional e-mail addresses manualy.
-Note text transfers are flawless.
I restress that the ObEX effort is an excellent one and I'm very satisfied. This posting is not intended to bad mouth the product, the guys at Smartdog did an excellent job and gave the Newton a new lease on life.
I urge all to support the product and buy the product. You will find it very useful, and when IrComm is implemented the Newton will be brought into the new millennium. The Newton can never be described obsolete at all, except by those who live by MP3 music.
Dr. Khaled M. Tewfik,
Saudi Arabia
\\ /,
'( Newton Technology
(Sent from an Apple Newton MP2100)
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