Hi all, hope this is not out of line..this guy posted this on the newsgroup.
I have not been following the thread on the Backtalk software, but it does
sound like its an option here. Here's his post:
I'm a long time newton user (OMP, MP120, MP130, MP2k), and am
considering getting a Palm Vx. I've always used the Newton as a
stand-alone device, and have quite a bit of data in it. What I need
to do is find a way to transfer the data from my newt into the palm,
and ideally, a way to transfer data from the palm to the newt, as I
intend to use both devices. I've checked the FAQ, and done a few web
searches, but the closest I can find is a hack to sync the MP2k with
Claris Organizer on the Mac, and then to the Palm. I have Win9x and
Linux, but no Mac, so this doesn't help me.
Thanks in advance for any help.
-- mwl@sr.unh.edu http://www.sr.unh.edu/~mwl/ Holder of Past Knowledge CS, RCC, O- http://www.hwg.org/ Member: HTML Writers Guild http://www.distributed.net/ Put your wasted CPU cycles to use >>And, to those who made offers or expressed interests in the Newton FS, just to let you all know that I've yet to see the set..been a little busy here. Should be able to reply to you all by the weekend..
cheers ken
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